Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation with shorter wavelengths than visible light and longer than those of X-rays. It is often referred to as ultraviolet “light”, but UV rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation. There are three types of UV bulbs available: Blacklight Blue (BLB), Blacklight (BL36), and Germicidal. BLB bulbs are not hazardous to health in the same way as UVC germicidal bulbs, but they should always be handled with care.
UVC germicidal bulbs should only be used in a fully sealed unit. There are also devices such as UV cleaners and UV sterilizers for baby bottles that allow the public to sterilize a variety of items.UVC wavelengths have been in the spotlight as an effective way to inactivate pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, molds, and fungi. UVC is the shortest wavelength of the three forms of UV radiation, and it is the most dangerous due to its shorter wavelength. However, UVC rays cannot penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, so they do not pose a risk to the normal person. The wavelengths that these UV lamps emit range from 370 to 400 nm, just at the limit of visible light.
While UV rays have some benefits, namely, they stimulate vitamin D production in humans, everyone should be careful, as each form of UV radiation carries its own risks. It is important to know about UV lights before using them, as they can be harmful if not properly managed. A light blue black (BLB) bulb won't help you kill flies, just like a germicidal UV tube won't help you detect counterfeit bills. It is closest to the visible light spectrum and is considered to have the longest and safest UV light wavelength.